Kamata-san shares his story about reuniting with his Akita dog, named Shane, hours after the tsunami destroyed his home in Sendai, Japan. Translated by Isabella Gallaon-Aoki of Animal Friends Niigata.
In Sendai a city in Miyagi Prefecture that shared the brunt of a 9.0 earthquake and resultant tsunami a man ran to warn neighbors. He returned home to find his beloved Akita, Shane, missing from his backyard. With the tsunami in rapid pursuit, he fled to higher ground.
The name Shane originally meant “God’s Grace” which in kanji is shinkei written
. God’s Grace in Japanese is
which is read shinkei. The Japanese shinkei meaning “God’s Grace” is a kanji combination created for its meaning. This combines
(read shin) meaning “God; gods; mind; soul” and
(read kei) meaning “blessing; grace; favor; kindness”.
Six hours passed when a dog was spotted outside the school evacuation site. Cut and shivering, Shane was alive! Shane had plunged into chest-deep waters to find his guardian. Shane had never been to the school before, but somehow, his instincts lead him there. The dog swam through chest-high water before being reunited with his guardian.
Shane was later examined by veterinarian Dr. Sasaki-san (above). Shane had some minor wounds on his legs that were treated. To the right is Shane’s pet parent Kamata-san. Dr. Kazumasu Sasaki is a World Vets representative in Sendai, Japan.
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