For years I have been searching for a book about the real story behind the pet food industry, and yesterday my search came to an end, with the release of Buyer beware: The crimes, lies, and truth about pet food by author, advocate Susan Thixton.
After reading the advance copy, I knew that this book would do to the pet food industry, what Rachael Carson’s book Silent Spring did for nuclear power. There is not a single book in publication today about the pet food industry that is a more comprehensive investigation of the $18 billion dollar pet food industry.
In this groundbreaking book, author Susan Thixton, reveals the widespread corruption and greed endemic of the industry. That pet food is the lucrative answer to the disposal of billions of tons of waste from the manufacturers of products for humans. The companies that profit from the diversion of waste material are some of the largest conglomerates in the nation. They enjoy the benefits of operating in an industry lacking any meaningful oversight to create the pet food brands that dominate the world market today.
Backed by years of solid research, Susan Thixton’s book Buyer Beware, is the most comprehensive and exhaustive report to date, of the tragic consequences of a market dominated by pet food made of waste material. Buyer Beware: The crimes, lies, and truth about pet food belongs on the shelf of every pet parent, in the office of every veterinarian, and ideally, on the desk of every government and regulatory body responsible for the safety and oversight of the product millions of Americans feed their pets every day.
UPDATE: I have no association with Susan Thixton of Truth About Pet Food, either personally of professionally, or the Association for Truth in Pet Food.
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