baby skunk eating dog food - dog not happy about it

FDA whistleblowers treated like skunks at a picnic

A lawsuit filed against the FDA for targeting whistleblowers reveals the extent to which the FDA goes to protect its secrets. In a strong letter to the FDA U.S. Senator Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) said whistleblowers are “often treated like skunks at a picnic”.

Health officials in the FDA know, unless they like being thrown under the bus for blowing the whistle, that the threat of persecution has created a climate of fear so profound that many would rather keep silent than face the shit storm that health officers fear should they go public. Read more

Industrial heavy metal waste in Chinese animal feed

The Council of Agriculture (COA) in China announced yesterday that the country’s largest processor of waste copper liquids illegally sold toxic, industrial-grade copper sulfate to at least four livestock feed manufacturers. At least one of those companies did not have a license to produce animal feed in the first place.

They found that industrial heavy metals such as copper sulfate, also known as cupric sulfate, had been mixed with feed for pigs, chickens, ducks and geese which had found its way to farmers all over the country, a practice which could leave heavy metal residues in the animal tissue, the officials said. Read more