Happy Holidays from Mollie, Pussy Kitten, Angelica, Penelope, Baby Face, Lion King, Mr. Personality, Fluffy (Cashmere), Chubby Cheeks and Satan

We wish you and your furry family members a safe and wonderful holiday season!

Give animals the gift of hope this holiday. It’s easy to do, is all it takes is a little money if you have some to spare, the gift of your time spent walking a dog or comforting a frightened or lonely cat or kitten at your local shelter, being a  foster parent to an orphaned or injured dog, puppy, cat or kitten through volunteering with an animal shelter. And sometimes the gift can be a simple as donating pet food, toys or bedding to pets still waiting for a loving home in shelters.

A compassionate world begins with just one person. Together we can make a difference.














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Poisoned Pets | Pet Food Safety News remains free (and ad-free) and takes me many, many hours of laborious work to research and write, and thousands of dollars a year to sustain. Help keep Poisoned Pets alive by making a donation. Thank you.




Mollie Morrissette

Mollie Morrissette, the author of Poisoned Pets, is an animal food safety expert and consumer advisor. Help support her work by making a donation today.


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