How to Report to the FDA Problems with Kroger's Recalled Pet Food

Kroger's pet food recall

Our precious babies

Important steps to take in the wake of Kroger’s pet food recall

Aside from the obvious advice to take your pet to a vet immediately, there are a few suggestions:

First, whatever you do DO NOT throw away the pet food package or your receipt.

Second, if your pet has ingested ANY of the recalled pet food DO NOT, I repeat, do not return the unused portions to the store in which you bought it from for a refund, even though that is precisely what Kroger’s is telling customers to do in their press release and on their website. Here’s the reason: they don’t want you to sue them. Plain and simple.

If you haven’t read Kroger’s official press release, it might be good idea. The pet food involved (so far) are: Pet Pride, Old Yeller and Kroger Value cat, kitten and dog formulas.

No doubt a class-action lawsuit will soon be forthcoming against Kroger’s for their contaminated pet foods and if you’ve returned the pet food to the store, you have no proof that you ever bought their pet food. Believe me, a hard as that sounds, that is precisely what Menu Foods said to the people whose pets were poisoned back in 2007:  show us the package or we won’t show you the money. Period. Nice, huh?

Third, call the FDA immediately to report any adverse effects Kroger’s pet food has had on your pet. It may take a few days for your cat or dog to show symptoms. But please, whatever you do, DO NOT wait until they are sick. Take them to the vet immediately. Aflatoxin is deadly. This is serious stuff, folks. Read my previous post, please, for detailed information about aflatoxin.

The following data is from the FDA’s website on reporting adverse reactions or other problems you’ve had with the pet food. These offices deal directly with animal feed and pet food consumer complaints. Considering the recall involves 19 states (so far), the FDA is going to be pretty darn busy.

Unfortunately, the FDA’s Pet Health & Safety Widget has been utterly useless so far in notifying the public of this latest pet food recall. As of 4:00 AM, there is no mention of the Kroger’s pet food recall published on their widget or on their website for that matter.

According to the FDA’s Pet Food Recall Products List the last time they updated it was November 23, 2010. I kid you not. It did mention, however, there have been 1002 entries (recalls) since they started keeping track after the Menu Foods pet food recalls in 2007. Don’t you think the FDA/CVM would have gotten their act together after the Menu Foods disaster? So far it looks as if they haven’t. How utterly tragic this is.

FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinators

To report adverse reactions or other problems with FDA-regulated products, contact the FDA district office consumer complaint coordinator for your geographic area. If you require the use of a Relay Service, please call the Federal Relay Services (1-800-877-8339). This is a toll free relay service to call Federal agencies from TTY devices.

Please Note: There is not a Consumer Complaint Coordinator in each state. Consumer Complaint Coordinators are assigned by regions. Therefore, several states will have the same Consumer Complaint Coordinator assigned to it.


Alaska–(toll free) 800-353-3965

Arizona–(949) 608-3530

Arkansas–(214) 253-5237

California (Northern)–(510) 337-6741

California (Southern)–(949) 608-3530

Colorado–(303) 236-3044

Connecticut– (toll-free) 800-891-8295

Delaware– (toll-free) 877-689-8073

District of Columbia–(410) 779-5713

Florida — (866) 337-6272

Georgia–(404) 253-1169

Hawaii– 808-522-8011 x100

Idaho–(toll free) 800-353-3965

Illinois–(312) 353-7840

Indiana–(313) 393-8189

Iowa–(913) 752-2440

Kansas–(913) 752-2440

Kentucky–(513) 679-2700, ext. 124

Toll-free in Kentucky: 800-437-2382


Maine– (toll-free) 800-891-8295

Maryland–(410) 779-5713

Massachusetts– (toll-free) 800-891-8295

Michigan–(313) 393-8189

Minnesota–(612) 758-7221


Missouri–(913) 752-2440

Montana–(toll free) 800-353-3965

Nebraska–(913) 752-2440

Nevada–(510) 337-6741

New Hampshire– (toll-free) 800-891-8295

New Jersey– (973) 331-4917

New Mexico–(303) 236-3044

New York — (toll-free) 866-446-9055

North Carolina–(404) 253-1169

North Dakota–(612) 758-7221

Ohio–(513) 679-2700, ext. 124

Toll free in Ohio: 800-437-2382

Oklahoma–(214) 253-5237

Oregon–(toll free) 800-353-3965


Rhode Island– (toll-free) 800-891-8295

South Carolina–(404) 253-1169

South Dakota–(612) 758-7221

Tennessee– 866-289-3399

Texas–(214) 253-5237

Utah–(303) 236-3044

Vermont– (toll-free) 800-891-8295

Virginia–(410) 779-5713

Washington– (toll free) 800-353-3965

West Virginia–(410) 779-5713

Wisconsin–(612) 758-7221

Wyoming–(303) 236-3044

Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands–800-332-0127

Source: FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinators


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