International Recall: Kaytee Small Pet & Pet Bird Food for Salmonella Contamination


Random sampling by the FDA turned up Salmonella in at least twenty-four Kaytee Pet Products small pet and pet bird foods. Based on those findings, Kaytee issued two separate recalls today; The first recall is for Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat and Hamster due to possible contamination with Salmonella.

The second recall announcement is for eighteen pet bird treats and greens items also due to Salmonella contamination, apparently due to a Salmonella tainted supply of parsley flake ingredients.

The recalls involve at least twenty-nine states and thirty-three countries.

mouse wearing hoodie

Forti-Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat and Hamster Recall

The pet food for little critters affected by this recall is identified below and has the following “Best Before” dates:

Material #     UPC Code       Size       Product Name/Description     Best Before Code

100502315     71859 00001     6/5 lb.    Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat & Hamster     03-Apr-2013 K61

100502086     71859 99995     25 lb.     Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat & Hamster     31-Mar-2013

100502085     71859 99994     6/3 lb.    Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat & Hamster     31-Mar-2013 K63

100502275     71859 00000     25 lb.     Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat & Hamster – Petco Stores Only     30-Mar-2013

rat with teddie bear sleeping

Kaytee Bird Treat Recall

The following birdy num nums (pet bird treats and food) affected by this recall is identified below and has the following production dates:

Material #     UPC Code       Size       Product Name/Description     Manufacturing Date

100032244     07185940410    2 lb        Kaytee Fiesta Max Canary/Finch     9/28/2013 through 5/7/2014

100032881     07185900431    3.5 oz    Kaytee Honey Treat – Parakeet     12/6/2013 through 5/29/2014

100032922     07185955027    7 oz       Kaytee Honey Treat – Parakeet (Value Pack)     12/4/2013 through 8/2/2014

100032982     07185900434    3.5 oz    Kaytee Honey Treat – Parakeet     12/6/2013 through 8/2/2014

100502615     07185999885    3.5 oz    Kaytee Fiesta Fruit & Veggie Treat – Parakeet     1/15/2014 through 7/24/2014

100502749     07185999855    9.5 oz    Kaytee Fiesta Fruit & Veggie Treat – Parakeet     12/18/2013 through 7/31/2014

100502937     07185994235    3.5 oz    Kaytee Forti-Diet ProHealth Honey Treat – Parakeet     12/5/2013 through 7/17/2014

100502940     07185994236    7 oz       Kaytee Forti-Diet ProHealth Honey Treat – Parakeet (Value Pack)     12/4/2013 through 8/1/2014

100503001     07185994268    4 ct        Kaytee Forti-Diet ProHealth Munchables Shred-A-Box Honey Seed Treats (4 Boxes)     3/7/2014 through 7/30/2014

100503064     07185994264    11 oz      Kaytee Forti-Diet ProHealth Molting & Conditioning – Small Birds     12/25/2013 through 8/5/2014

100503808     07185955027    7 oz       Kaytee Honey Treat – Parakeet (Value Pack)     12/6/2013 through 7/31/2014

100504021     07185994368    2.25 oz  Kaytee Fiesta Nutty Papaya Treat – Parakeet & Cockatiel     12/4/2013 through 6/25/2014

100504029     07185994370    1.5 oz    Kaytee Fiesta Foraging Treat for Pet Birds     1/27/2014 through 5/29/2014

100504971     73725727166    3.2 oz    Grreat Choice Treat Sticks for Small Birds (2 sticks)     12/13/2013 through 2/4/2014

100504974     73725727165    9.6 oz    Grreat Choice Treat Sticks for Small Birds (6 sticks)     12/10/2013 through 3/19/2014

100506593     07185994615    1.5 oz    Kaytee Foraging Box O’Fun Treat for Pet Birds     1/28/2014 through 7/30/2014

100510282     07185994708    1 oz       Kaytee Bird Greens Foraging Treat     12/1/2013 through 5/28/2014

sleepy rat

The Details

The recall notification is being issued based on a single manufacturing batch wherein a sample with the “Best Before” date of (lot) 03APR13K61 had a positive result for Salmonella in a random sample test conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat & Hamster product was originally manufactured on January 5 and 6, 2012. Kaytee is taking immediate action to remove the product from all retail stores and distribution centers, and to fully investigate the cause.

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Why You Should Worry

Salmonella can affect animals eating the products and there is a risk to humans from handling contaminated pet products, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with the products or any surfaces exposed to these products.

Healthy people exposed to Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.

Pets with Salmonella infections may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some pets will have only decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.


Where Was It Sold?

Recalled products were distributed to retailers and distributors in the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin; and, into the countries of Abu Dhabi, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, Dutch Antilles, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Guam, Honduras, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Panama, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, and Trinidad.

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What To Do

Consumers who have purchased the Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat & Hamster product with the above-referenced “Best Before” dates are urged to contact Kaytee Customer Service representatives.

Kaytee Customer Service representatives and company veterinarians are responding to inquires through the 1-800-Kaytee1 (800 529-8331) phone number or the form [online at] and will answer any questions regarding pets that have been fed the product. Email:

To receive a refund for product affected by the Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat and Hamster recall or a coupon good for future purchase, please complete this form in full [online at] with the required information.

true birdy love

Problem Pet Food? Report It!

Don’t forget, always, always, always report an adverse pet food event to the proper authorities, in addition to the pet food manufacturer! To find out more on how to do so, please read my complete guide to reporting a pet food! It’s not hard and all you need is a computer or a telephone! No excuses.

SOURCE: Forti-Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat and Hamster Recall

SOURCE: Kaytee Recalls Bird Treats and Greens Due to Possible Salmonella Contamination from Parsley Flakes

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