Nestle-Purina, makers of Waggin’ Train jerky treats, is facing yet another lawsuit over their tainted pet treats imported from China, along with the retail giant Wal-Mart for selling the suspect (…) Read more

Nestle-Purina, makers of Waggin’ Train jerky treats, is facing yet another lawsuit over their tainted pet treats imported from China, along with the retail giant Wal-Mart for selling the suspect (…) Read more
Milo’s Kitchen and Nestle Purina plan to reignite their flagging pet treat segment by reintroducing the jerky dog treats they were forced to take off the market last year following (…) Read more
A resolution before the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) that would have discouraged the feeding of jerky treats to pets was not adopted at the AVMA House of Delegates winter (…) Read more
Heads up pet treat consumers: Dr. Michael Fox in a recent post warns of a poisoning danger with oxygen absorber packets often found in bags of pet treats to keep (…) Read more
As incredible as it sounds, the infamous Waggin’ Train brand accused of sickening and killing thousands of dogs is back. Purina just launched a new campaign with three new jerky (…) Read more
A Chinese consumer organization recently warned Chinese parents to not to let children put toys in their mouths after many were found to contain a toxic agent that could cause (…) Read more
Senator Chuck Schumer rode the Obama administration up one side and down the other this Sunday for what he calls are “plans the USDA has” to green-light chicken raised and (…) Read more
The FDA recently put out a damning condemnation of raw pet food, warning consumers it could be “dangerous” to your pet. What I found so infuriating about the notice was, (…) Read more
As the illness and death of dogs due to deadly dog treats drags on, many wonder why the answer to the problem with the treats remains a so-called “mystery” in (…) Read more
Since the media explosion surrounding the FDA progress report on pet jerky treats, I thought you all would be interested to listen to what Susan Thixton of Truth About Pet (…) Read more