wet and cold little dog in the wind and rain

Thanks for Giving to the Hungry, Homeless and Cold Pet Victims of Hurricane Sandy

wet and cold little dog in the wind and rain

Thanks to the generosity and love people have for pets and those less fortunate, we can help make a tremendous difference to the pets and pet parents whom have had their homes and their lives torn apart by Hurricane Sandy.

With your help, you can be a part of the healing that is slowly taking place on the battered and bruised East Coast by helping support Susan Thixton of Truth About Pet Food and myself in our pet food drive for Sandy’s littlest victims.

Together, we can let those poor folks know that there are people who love and care about them and their pets.

We know how important pets are to us, but especially during times of crisis, how their unconditional love can pull us from the brink of despair.

Many of us can only imagine the horror of having their homes ripped out from under them, but to lose a pet would be unimaginable.  However, sadly, for many, that is exactly what happened – they have been separated from their fur babies by death or by being separated during the horrible storm.

Many of the tiniest victims of Hurricane Sandy remain in animal shelters unclaimed or surrendered by their pet parents, hungry, terrified and lonely, wondering what happened to their world.

Animal shelters all up and down the East Coast, who, on their best day struggle to make ends meet, are being crushed under the weight of the added burden of the hundreds of lost and injured pets from Hurricane Sandy.

Let’s show them how much we care by making a generous in-kind donation of pet food to the hardest hit furry friends by purchasing a gift that will be sent directly to those pets most in need at Brehons Pet Supply. The store’s owner is offering a special 20% discount on any Fromm’s pet food, but you can make a gift of any of the pet food brands available at Brehon’s.

As part of their welcome to new customers, after you sign up, Brehon’s you will be sent an e-Gift Voucher worth $10.00. If you prefer not to order online or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact owners Bob or Kathie by phone (412)-721-2707 or by eMail at brehon1@gmail.com. Be sure to tell them Susan and I said, “Hi”!

And remember, to give thanks for what we do have and give to those who have little, for some day we may need to depend on the kindness of strangers.

If you are local, you can drop off food and supplies directly to these locations listed on the Guardians of Rescue flyer:

A few of the most recent Hurricane Sandy pet related stories on the web today:
Pet Rescue After Sandy
Storm Leaves Local Animal Shelters Filled to Capacity, in Need of Donations

Hurricane Sandy Left Many Pets Homeless

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At Poisoned Pets | Pet Food Safety News, I am dedicated to protecting the health of our furry companions by providing vital information on pet food safety—entirely free and without advertisements. This endeavor requires countless hours of research and significant financial support to maintain. Your generous donation can help me continue this crucial work, ensuring a safer world for pets everywhere. I appreciate your support!




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