She may be cute, but she don't know shit about computers

Trouble in Poisoned Pets Land

She may be cute, but she don't know shit about computers

I love my cat Mommy, but she don’t know jack about computers. All she had to do was ask me for my help. After all, they don’t call me the Wizard of WordPress fur nothin’.

Poisoned Pets might have to go down for a bit. I’ve been having major problems with it. As you may have noticed, there are a few *ahem* problems such as missing images, missing videos, missing pages, comment issues, icon, image and font weirdness, navigation issues, widgets that work only sometimes – you know, the basic things you need to run a website. And that’s just on your end.

Sorry for the inconvenience and the really bad timing. But, when is it ever a good time to take your site down for maintenance? Answer: never!

I apologize to everyone who has tried to leave a comments in the past month (!!) and gotten a 404 Error message. You should be able to do so now, thanks to a kind, geeky soul who came to my rescue.

Now I understand why I haven’t received any comments since I moved my website from to eleven weeks ago!

I thought you didn’t love me anymore! *sniff*

Please have patience with me; I am good at many things, but web development isn’t one of them unfortunately. *sigh*

I’ll do my darndest to get Poisoned Pets back in shape ASAP. The kitties and doggies need me! Plus, I need you too – it gets lonely at the top.

Thanks everyone! Love you all!

dog cat poisoned pets safe food warnings news recalls alerts

At Poisoned Pets | Pet Food Safety News, I am dedicated to protecting the health of our furry companions by providing vital information on pet food safety—entirely free and without advertisements. This endeavor requires countless hours of research and significant financial support to maintain. Your generous donation can help me continue this crucial work, ensuring a safer world for pets everywhere. I appreciate your support!



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