Poisoned Pets might have to go down for a bit. I’ve been having major problems with it. As you may have noticed, there are a few *ahem* problems such as missing images, missing videos, missing pages, comment issues, icon, image and font weirdness, navigation issues, widgets that work only sometimes – you know, the basic things you need to run a website. And that’s just on your end.
Sorry for the inconvenience and the really bad timing. But, when is it ever a good time to take your site down for maintenance? Answer: never!
I apologize to everyone who has tried to leave a comments in the past month (!!) and gotten a 404 Error message. You should be able to do so now, thanks to a kind, geeky soul who came to my rescue.
Now I understand why I haven’t received any comments since I moved my website from WordPress.com to WordPress.org eleven weeks ago!
I thought you didn’t love me anymore! *sniff*
Please have patience with me; I am good at many things, but web development isn’t one of them unfortunately. *sigh*
I’ll do my darndest to get Poisoned Pets back in shape ASAP. The kitties and doggies need me! Plus, I need you too – it gets lonely at the top.
Thanks everyone! Love you all!
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